Thank You to Everyone for Participating!!!
A big thank you to everyone who helped our DNA Day Special to be a smashing success! Some of your comments were candid and touching while others were straightforward and funny. There are so many great reasons to get to know more about your DNA makings. Choosing the “best” answers was not easy so we decided to grant all of the participants a special thank you with a 1+1 coupon for any DNA tests or DNA Test kit offered by TheMakingsofMe.
And the DNA Day Special winners are . . .
We will touch base with you shortly about receiving your gift certificate.
The TheMakingsofMe Team
TheMakingsofMe is giving away three DNA Test Kits this month! TheMakingsofMe DNA Kit can tell you about your DNA potential. Knowing more about your DNA can help you get in shape, lose weight, make better career choices, decide on the activities you want your children to participate in and even help you choose a life partner.
YOU can win!! It’s as easy as 1,2,3!
1. Struggling to lose weight? Choosing a career? Wondering what sport your child should play? Looking for the right partner? Tell us why you want to learn about how your DNA may influence who you are and what you can be.
2. Add your comment to this page (below). Please post only one comment per email address.
3. Best way to keep posted is on our Facebook page. LIKE our Facebook page to keep updated on the progress of the contest and to be notified about when the winners are announced here on our blog, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or both.
Please note! TheMakingsofMe DNA tests are NOT intended for medical purposes. The MyDNA Insights Kit includes DNA tests related to Weight, Speed vs. Endurance, Height, Memory, Vision, Nicotine Use, Hair Loss and Longevity. Learning more about your DNA traits will help you make better lifestyle choices and open up more possibilities to help you reach your natural potential.
The best answers will be chosen by our team at the end of the month.
Small print: Must be 18 years or older. Void where prohibited. No purchase necessary. Submit your comments before the end of the month.
Tina Morrow says:
Apr 19, 2012
I’d love to have the DNA test to figure out a way to lose weight and become more active, what would work best for me. I’ve had a life-long problem with being overweight and wile I lost a lot of weight back in 1990 (110 lbs!), it wasn’t long after I got married in 1993 that I gained most of it back. Now, almost 20 years later, I’m still trying to lose and it’s getting more and more difficult. I now have type-2 diabetes and need to lose this weight.
Audra says:
Apr 19, 2012
As I posted on FB I would love to have a DNA test because I really know nothing about myself. I know that I have physical problems, but why? Why are my eyes green when everyone else in my family has blue? Why did I gain weight so fast and yet it’s taking forever for me to lose it? Why can’t I remember anything anymore when I used to remember everything?! I’d love to know where I come from, as far as who my ancestors were. I’ve been told many things, but sometimes it’s different than the last time. Why am I not allergic to anything, but the rest of my family is allergic to so many things? Am I allergic to things I just don’t know about? There are so many things I would love to know but can only find out through a DNA test. I think finding the answers to these questions would help me understand myself so much better.
Lynette James says:
Apr 20, 2012
Obsity runs in my family and I’ve been struggling with it since I had my second child. I would like to stop get off so many of my prescriptions and I know losing weight would be the key for me to do so.
I want to be around to see my kids grow up.
June Przywuski says:
Apr 20, 2012
I got hurt at work when i was 27years old i weighed 120lbs and as the results of getting hurt I have partial left knee replacement and peroneal nerve palsy in right leg so exercising is hard I am now 44 years old and weigh 170lbs I would love to have the dna test to help me regain some what of myself back.
Misty Rainwater says:
Apr 20, 2012
Although I have struggled off and on with weight loss most of life, I was able to lose weight fast, UNTIL I got diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to undergo a hysterectomy 2 years ago. Since then, I can not lose much weight at all – even with regular exercise and eating healthy. In fact, I have gained. I know hormones and menopause play a factor, however my hormones were already out of wack before the surgery, so a DNA test may be just exactly what I need to figure out what is going on. I am also curious as to how DNA would react to RIFE.
Becki Coleman says:
Apr 21, 2012
I have always wanted to get my DNA tested. I am fascinated by human genetics and how our genome affects our phenotype- does having a certain gene mean I definitely have that trait? Can I have that trait without having the gene? For example, I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, and as an adult I now have green eyes and brown hair. What do my genes say I’m most likely to have? Also, I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, heart disease and hypertension runs in my family, and my grandmother has Alzheimer’s- are my genes coding for risk for these things? I’d like to know so that I can be sure to start practicing lifestyle habits (diet, etc) that can help reduce what might be a genetic predisposition to these diseases.
kate says:
Apr 21, 2012
i struggle with weight loss been an yo yo and now having heard to lose weight my dad has diabetes and parkenes and my mom has other health problems like asthma highly hernia fibermylogia ect i want to know why it hard for me to lose weight and to keep it off and why i have a lot of cravings and want to know the break down of my DNA and what health problems i can avoid later on in my life so i hope this can help me in the long run some of my family have died from some from of cancer
Sherril D. Pentecost says:
Apr 21, 2012
I want my DNA tested due to I was adopted. I know my adopted family. Well some of them. I know the twin to my dad.I am just curious about DNA due to well it is interesting. I have noticed lately as I get older I am inheriting some of the family’s health issue. I also want to see which side I am more likely to be taking after my biological dads side or my moms side of which is my real mom. JUST have an adopted dad. I know there is a lot of cancer and heart disease as well as mental disorders. I know on my biological dads side my great great grandmother lived almost 100 years.She liked 3 years to making it. MY biological grandmom on dads side lived 94 yrs.So you see I myself have had multiple miscarriages as in my family recently I have found out there is a RH Factor issue that in one of my miscarriages I was diagnosed with. Well my baby was. SO I truely would love to find out all I need to know about my DNA and my family’s DNA,as well if it can help me become a healthier me then YEY Im in. As you can see there is
a lot going on in our crew.My biological dad died due to lung cancer, my dads twin had double breast cancer. I really need to know being I dont know them at all to well.
Silvia Andion says:
Apr 22, 2012
I will love to have my DNA tested, because my father has Alzheimer’s and I want to know if I will likely to suffer the same illness, to plan in advance, therefore I do not leave to my family to take hard decisions. I could tell them in advance what I want, and how things could be handled. Also, my mother had breast cancer, and if I am going to have cancer or Alzheimer’s I will live my life to the max !!!!
not to worry about to saving money for when I retired!
Judy Quillen says:
Apr 23, 2012
I would love have my DNA tested and my sons. Myself for weightloss and medical issues. My dad and brother both passed away suddenly and I want to make sure I’m around for my family. I’d also love to help my son find his passion. He has a lot of social problems, he had an early speech delay and was recently diagnosed with Sensory Integration disorder. I would love to help him find his passion and find something he can really excel at.
Sarah Chaffee says:
Apr 23, 2012
I have been struggling to loose weight for the last few years and would like to no if this DNA Kit can tell me why that is.
Betty Sellers Parrish says:
Apr 25, 2012
I have been researching my family’s genealogy for about 30 years. I have always wanted my DNA analyzed for the various ethintisity making up my DNA. I’ve been watching the current PBS shoe on finding your roots which shows the various percentages of ethentisity of the weekly guest. I am on Social Security and have never been able to afford testing my DNA. I would love to win this contest so I could have this done. Tha
Barak and Hila Sekeles says:
Apr 27, 2012
Well reading the above comments, we share this very same curiosity, hence ordered the DNA test kits for our family. Few days ago we received the results. The Geneometer visualization is brilliant – very simple and easy to understand. It was very interesting to see how specific genetic characteristics remains in the family i.e. found in our parents as well as our kids. It was fascinating to notice genetic improvements regarding specific tests for some of our kids (like the Sprinter test, and Height), and very practical and helpful in understanding some differences in lifestyle for some of us especially the Morning v.s. Night person test.., as well as “keep an eye on” for one of our kids regarding her Sight test. So bottom line having this personal experience – we highly recommend to have a look at “TheMakingsOfMe” website and see how these tests may improve your lifestyle as well.
Your Reasons to Test your DNA Gallery | DNA Testing Blog says:
May 1, 2012
[...] on Apr 30, 2012 • 12:53 pm No Comments Thanks to the overwhelming response to our DNA DAY Special, we gained valuable insight into the reasons people are interested in testing their DNA. We [...]
Elan Daniel says:
May 24, 2012
I Elan Daniel would like to know how to know and where to test my DNA and my future potential partner and shall I know if both of us shall get along and well in life and which career is suitable for me.
Elan Daniel